Its Not You Its Me, Pastor Vernon Gordon Antonio Knoxx Its Not You Its Me, Pastor Vernon Gordon Antonio Knoxx

God's Design for my Sex Life

Sex is the three letter word that makes churches and congregations stop in their tracks. How can we have HEALTHY conversations about sex? How can we redeem something that has been created by God and convoluted by culture? This week we will be doing the work of reframing our theology around sex, and giving renewed language and termanology for healthy discussions!

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Its Not You Its Me, Pastor Vernon Gordon Antonio Knoxx Its Not You Its Me, Pastor Vernon Gordon Antonio Knoxx

Sex + Life: Exploring God's Gift, God's Way

Sex is the three letter word that makes churches and congregations stop in their tracks. How can we have HEALTHY conversations about sex? How can we redeem something that has been created by God and convoluted by culture? This week we will be doing the work of reframing our theology around sex, and giving renewed language and termanology for healthy discussions!

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Its Not You Its Me, Pastor Vernon Gordon Antonio Knoxx Its Not You Its Me, Pastor Vernon Gordon Antonio Knoxx

Dating For Destiny

“We’re just talking…” “No, we didn’t break up; we’re just taking a break…” “Oh, it’s not serious - we just got a little situation.” All of these statements lead to ambiguity and, ultimately, unclear expectations. This week Pastor Vernon breaks down what it means to date for destiny, giving both practical tools and biblical principles to help singles date well.

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