It's not You, It's ME
This week will be a LIVE question and answer period with our Lead Pastors, Pastor Vernon and Ashley Gordon about any and all things that have been discussed over the series! Throughout this interview we will get to hear their highs and lows of fighting for healthy relationships.
God's Design for my Sex Life
Sex is the three letter word that makes churches and congregations stop in their tracks. How can we have HEALTHY conversations about sex? How can we redeem something that has been created by God and convoluted by culture? This week we will be doing the work of reframing our theology around sex, and giving renewed language and termanology for healthy discussions!
Sex + Life: Exploring God's Gift, God's Way
Sex is the three letter word that makes churches and congregations stop in their tracks. How can we have HEALTHY conversations about sex? How can we redeem something that has been created by God and convoluted by culture? This week we will be doing the work of reframing our theology around sex, and giving renewed language and termanology for healthy discussions!
Dating For Destiny
“We’re just talking…” “No, we didn’t break up; we’re just taking a break…” “Oh, it’s not serious - we just got a little situation.” All of these statements lead to ambiguity and, ultimately, unclear expectations. This week Pastor Vernon breaks down what it means to date for destiny, giving both practical tools and biblical principles to help singles date well.
Built To Last
In a multitude of counsel, there is safety. Have you ever wanted to hear about the depths of marriage from another couple’s perspective?
This week Pastor Vernon in the Sermon "Built to Last" helps couples understand the fundamental building blocks to curate a relationship that is built to last.
Unpacking The Gift
“Unpacking The Gift” unpacks the importance of knowing, understanding, and finding your value in your singleness. This sermon gives practical tools on how to gain contentment in our single season. Because the measure of God's faithfulness is not predicated on a relationship or social status but on his promise.